So you guys already know what my new obsession on ebay is. Here's 2 more pieces to add to my collection. I won these last week and recieved them a couple days ago . Could you believe they came all the way from London? It is so much cheaper in London for some reason, but shipping could add up. Anyways these were pretty cheap including shipping. I won't tell you how much they cost.
Last night was the last class of my metalsmith class that I was taking at SVA. I have to say I really enjoyed the classroom environment. It gets me motivated to get off my butt to make something. Anyways I'll be taking the next class starting in September. It's been fun. Here's my last project that I made in class. Was in a bit of a hurry since the first project took up most of the semester and this project took 2 classes to make. So it's a little messy. Let me know what you think.
While I was browsing through ebay one day. Paul asked me to look up some ceramics by Villeroy & Boch called Acapulco. Paul told me that his family use to have these when he was a kid. I fell in love with the bright colors and pattern immediately. Of course with the resent popularity of anything retro the prices for these ceramics were outrageous. You can look to pay $40 or $50 per dinner plate. Of course you can find deals but not too many though. Also you have to factor in shipping. Since it's ceramic and breakable and heavy. They'd have to pack it really well and that increases shipping cost. Anyways I finally won my first pieces, a sugar bowl w/lid and creamer. It's really cute! Hope this doesn't get outta hand. Oh well.
So I've been taking a metalsmithing class at SVA for the last month or so. I figured I might as well learn something new while I'm still young. I started the class at the beginning of June and it ends at the end of July. It's been going great. The class meets once a week from 6:00 to 9:30 pm. So far I've learned how to solder 2 pieces of metal together, shape, saw, polish, pickle, anneal ing silver, and create little round beads from pure silver. Also I've learned how to set a cabochon into a ring. I've just finished our first project which is to create a ring using all the techniques that we've learned and here are the pictures. Off to design the next project which I will have to post once I'm done. A bit scary since we only have 2 classes left.
Two posts in 1 day. Could you believe it? Anyways this is a quicky. Since my posting of my Woodgrain Studio Forest. There were lots of comments and requests for woodland animals. Let's just say I intended to add some animals after I was done with the forest but I kind of got over the porject really fast. You know how it is. Once your done with something you kind of have to sit back and look at a awhile before you can make changes to it. Anyways here are some of the animals. My solution to the permenant animals on the forest are to frame each one so I can inter change them every once in a while. Let me know what you think. I will post more as I make them up.
Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last blog. Been lazy and the heat did not help one bit. Just been hanging out with Finnegan and Quigley. Trying to stay cool. Also I wasn't working on anything interesting so there wasn't much to blog about. Not anymore. There's loads going on now that I'm kind of out of my lazy slump. I am reupholstering a chair that I found a long time ago. I think I found it way before I found my office chair. Here are some pictures of the chair the way it was found. Could be an interesting project. We'll see how it turns out. Notice the shiny pleather. Imagine sitting on that in this humidity. Sttiiiicccccky! Anyways I will post the after pics once I am done. I am waiting for the supplies I ordered 2 weeks ago. Hopefully it gets here soon so I can get started!
Eventhough I complain about my family. I do love them. They can be a lot of laugh sometimes. Anyways I miss them already. It was nice to spend some time with them.
So I've been away for the past ten days in San Leandro, California hanging out with my family. My little sister had her graduation from San Leandro High School on June 12th. I had to be there for the big day. I am very proud of her. It was actually a very fun and relaxing trip this time. Ten days was a bit much though. You know how it is with family. Especially a big family. It can get pretty hectic and stressful some times, but it was good to be there for my little sister. The time went by so fast. Would've been nice to spend a little more time with my sister. Anyways here's some pictures.
After hours of BACK BREAKING hard work. The table is finally finished, but not stained yet. It turned out pretty much how I imagined it but there are some technical difficulties along the way and in the end. The table top is made up of 4-3 1/2" wide x 75" long oak boards. It is pretty sturdy except for the legs. The legs are another story. They were suppose to be curved like those fancy antique dining tables except it's flat. The legs were cut from a piece of 8" x 30" oak board. I got 2 legs out of each board. Anyways it was pretty hard to cut them out the same exact size. So the legs are pretty much different sizes. Without the proper equipments you'd just have to wing it. I don't know how the professionals do it. I guess they don't call them professionals for nothing. I also never accounted for the wobble factor. So the legs are a bit wobbly. Oh well I guess you live and learn. Let me know what you think.
I know it's a bit late for St. Patrick's Day, but who could resist a cute little leprechaun outfit for the doggies. Our friends Angelo, Nigel and Niall were in Dublin a couple of weeks ago and got these outfits for Finnegan and Quigley. Now I know they're not Irish cause they came all the way from Texas on a plane no less, but with names like Finnegan and Quigley. They might as well be. We'll se how many times they will put it on before they get a hold of it and rip it apart. At least we have pictures of them wearing it. Enjoy!
Here's the chair that I re-upholstered. It turned out pretty good I think. A bit too orange, but I think it gives the room a bit of a kick with the bright color. The only worry it that the fabric is a thin cotton so it won't be hardwearing. I might have to replace it in a couple of months. Oh well. I'll probably get sick of it anyways. That's it for now. Next is the desk for the studio!
My woodgrain contact paper finally arrived on Tuesday night. Can I just say I was very excited to get started with my studio forest that I put 1 tree up that night. I bought 5 different patterns so I can make all the trees different but a couple of the patterns were not very attractive so I ended up only using 2 to make the trees and the rest to make leaves. I also added a stump under the window. Here are the pictures of the tress. Let me know what you think. It does make the room feel small now, but I like it!
So I found this chair on the street awhile ago and have been meaning to re-upholster it for my studio. Anyways it's been almost a year since. You know how it is. I just received my orange woodgrain fabric today and am very excited to get the project started. Here are the before pictures. The chairs a bit of a reck. The original fabric is very faded and the legs are a bit rusty. Might just have to get a can of spray paint. Okey dokey will post newly finished chair soon. NOT TOMORROW!