Thursday, 31 May 2007
Woodgrain Forest!
My woodgrain contact paper finally arrived on Tuesday night. Can I just say I was very excited to get started with my studio forest that I put 1 tree up that night. I bought 5 different patterns so I can make all the trees different but a couple of the patterns were not very attractive so I ended up only using 2 to make the trees and the rest to make leaves. I also added a stump under the window. Here are the pictures of the tress. Let me know what you think. It does make the room feel small now, but I like it!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Studio Chair
So I found this chair on the street awhile ago and have been meaning to re-upholster it for my studio. Anyways it's been almost a year since. You know how it is. I just received my orange woodgrain fabric today and am very excited to get the project started. Here are the before pictures. The chairs a bit of a reck. The original fabric is very faded and the legs are a bit rusty. Might just have to get a can of spray paint. Okey dokey will post newly finished chair soon. NOT TOMORROW!

Thursday, 24 May 2007
Studio After a Coat of Paint
Finally! After a hard days work and a coat of paint the studio is ready for some furniture and accessories. One of the wall is a little bit darker since I didn't have enought light blue for the whole room. It took forever to cover that orange door that Paul painted. The slats made it hard to get to the little nooks and cranny. Nothing like a bit of perseverance to get the job done. ALRIGHT! I'm making it sound harder than it is. But painting does take a lot of patience. Anyways the curtains were there from before. Not sure if they will go with the rest of the room when the furniture goes in. Might have to paint over the gold on the ceiling fan??? The bookcase were unfinished wood that I painted. I know I said I was into woodgrain but they were just too big and it would've made the room feel small. I painted the outside of the bookcase the same color as the room to make it blend but then the inside a darker blue to give it depth. Anyways that's all for now. Stay tuned for more studio reno. Off to pick up wood for my work bench tomorrow and come up with a design!

Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Studio Before PIctures
So here are the pictures of the studio before I do anything to it. Notice all the different colors on the wall. Paul couldn't decide which color to paint the studio so he painted patches of different colors on the walls to see if he likes it. Anyways I already made up my mind what color to paint the studio. Since the upstairs is very humid and warm in the summer, I wanted a color that's going to make it feel cooler. I'm going to paint it a light blue color. I will post pictures tomorrow of the newly painted room.

Monday, 21 May 2007
So recently I've been really into woodgrains. Anything from fabric to contact paper to even stainless steel table with woodgrain embossed on it. I guess that's the trend right now. Anyways last week Paul and I decided to exchange studios. So he'll be downstairs in the basement/den and I'll be upstairs in the midget room. What I've decided to do is to create some trees on the long wall with some wood grain contact papers. Also I found a great office chair on the street a while ago that I'm going to reupholster with a orange and red woodgrian fabric that I bought on ebay( last pic ). I will post some before pictures before I start so everyone can see. Hopefully it turns out the way I imagined it!

Thursday, 17 May 2007
Madrid Airport
I know! I've been slacking a bit on my blog. Oh well. What can you do? It's hard to think of interesting things to blog about everyday. Haven't been bidding on anything on ebay recently so not much to talk about. I think I have enough ceramic heads to fill the empty space on the wall. We'll just have to see, but if that special head comes along that I don't have. I might just have to make space for it on the wall. Okey dokey, here's some pics from Madrid airport. When I had a lay over coming back from Spain in February. It's an amazing airport.

Sunday, 13 May 2007
Cloisters Part 1
It's Sunday already and almost the middle of May! Before you know it, it'll be June and summer will be in full swing. I can't believe how time pasts so fast. Mary, Paul's mom arrived on Tuesday for a short visit from Dublin. Way too short! She left on Friday night but we had a blast. Mary did loads of shopping. Well not all shopping. We did other stuff too. I was out with the pair for only 2 days and I am totally exhausted. I'm probably recked for the rest of the month. Just kidding! Anyways on Thursday we went up to the Cloisters in Fort Tryon. What an amazing place. The hike through the park is great. All I know is it's part of the Metropolitan Museam and that the place incorporates pieces of different churches brought over from Europe mainly France and then put together. You'll have to see it for yourself. Lot's of Medieval art and sculptures and tapestry.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
What can I say? There's not enough words that can describe this beautiful city. Right from the moment the train reaches the outskirts of the city. You get a glance of this floating city that seems to rise from the water. Cars are not allowed in Venice so the only way to get around is on foot or the vaporettos (water buses). On foot is the best way to explore this city's every nook and cranny. There are so many wonders that you can discover around every corner. It would take more than a lifetime to discover this city.

Sunday, 6 May 2007
Finished Terrarium!
Friday was such a beautiful day and luckily I didn't have to go into work! I could work on my terrariums. It actually wasn't too hard to plant the terrariums. You just have to make sure that the soil drains very well and lots of light. Don't want to get into too much detail or I'll just bore everybody to sleep. You can let me know if you have any questions.

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